Chad David Shifflett was a father, a brother, a son, a husband, and an amazing friend. On January 8th, 2020 he was involved in an accident that took his life. As a result of Chad's impact on our life, we have chosen to do what we KNOW Chad would do for any of us in the same situation: find ways to care for his family. With this in mind, we have created the CDS Memorial Corn Hole Tournament. This is an annual event with proceeds going directly to his wife and 2 sons. During the afternoon festivities, there will also be a small silent auction.
This year's tourney is on August 13th, 2023 at Grandview Vineyards. The cost is $20 per person or $40 per team. Doors open at 11:30AM and bags fly at 12:30PM. Prizes are awarded to the top 3 teams.
Your donation includes: entrance into the tourney, food, soda and water all day. There will be a cash bar with beer and wine available.
Walk ups will be accepted but online registration is preferred.Email: or Register Below